Friday, December 14, 2007

Quaddafi and his female entourage

Libya's eccentric leader, Muammar(Muhammad??)Quaddafi(Gaddafi,Kaddafi??)on his visit to Paris,is staying in a tent there, bedouin style, with women-only bodyguards! Apparently,he suffers from claustrophobia.

Besides signing nuclear contracts,he wants 200 attractive french females there!

"I want to go to Renault plant to see the laborer section and to meet 200 attractive French women."
Very interesting :))

Some Quaddafi trivia :

  • Plans to act as screenwriter for a $40 million epic about the Italian invasion of Libya.

  • Sees the solution of Israel and Palestine conflict based on a unified state called Isratine.


    Simon said...

    I have always wondered about the women-only guards. I have no problems with women as guards -- but only women? I "guess" he's the most progressive leader in all the Arab states.

    Eternalsoul said...

    Must be very progressive. Ha! Ha!