Cardboard filled buns!
Why is it that suddenly there is a deluge of news coming out of China about its tainted food?! It cant be an overnight happening. But there it is! The focus of the world is now on China's spurious and shoddy
products and adulterated food.
The latest in the line is Cardboard filled buns sold on the streets of Beijing! Yes, buns as in steamed buns.
The recipe goes like this: Cardboard is soaked in water and an industrial-use caustic soda, a poisonous chemical, is added. The cardboard loses its normal color and becomes fragile under the soda's strong causticity, making it look more like pork. Finally, pork-smell essence and pork fat are stirred into the concoction to make the stuffing more vivid and edible.Good grief! What next?
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